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Geneviève Lou

Frederique "Pax" Dumas




We are made up of stories, they teach us about who we are and who we could be but what about the stories that are untold? As women, our presence in narratives have often been reduced to uni-dimensional characters: the virgin, the whore or the witch. What about the female creator, destructor, warrior, queen, fighter, the politically incorrect, challenging, revolutionary, courageous women? The figures we feel truly represent us have often been modified or erased from of history, science, religion and tales.

By erasing the stories of these women, we are preventing ourselves from embracing our full potential and are limiting ourselves when considering what is possible for us.

Through the street dance style known as Popping, HANNAH explores these questions and this discussion; it is an homage to all the women who have been erased or who have erased themselves.

We are made up of stories, they teach us about who we are and who we could be but what about the stories that are untold? As women, our presence in narratives have often been reduced to uni-dimensional characters: the virgin, the whore or the witch. What about the female creator, destructor, warrior, queen, fighter, the politically incorrect, challenging, revolutionary, courageous women? The figures we feel truly represent us have often been modified or erased from of history, science, religion and tales.

By erasing the stories of these women, we are preventing ourselves from embracing our full potential and are limiting ourselves when considering what is possible for us.

Through the street dance style known as Popping, HANNAH explores these questions and this discussion; it is an homage to all the women who have been erased or who have erased themselves.

Soundscape; Max Cyrus

Artistic Consultant; Ivan blackstock

Created druing Back to the Lab creative residency, facilitated & Curated by Breakin Convention

Max Cyrus
00:00 / 08:19
HANNAH Excerpt
@Breakin Convention, London, UK
Back to the Lab (Saddler's well,London,UK)


2020 April          Brekin Convention

2017 March       Breakin Convention

2017 February   Back to the Lab

Virtual Festival, London, UK

Saddler's Well,London,UK 

Saddler's Well,London,UK

BREAKIN OCNVENTION @Saddlers Well , London,UK
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