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This portrait is an exploration of the constant evolution of the artist identity. Using digital make-up and development of a 3D face piece, we are capturing an intimate fragment of the artist’s metamorphosis process. The main 3D piece was made out of organic and raw materials, mimicking the human bone structure. Through the use of these biological mediums, we aim to showcase a deeply personal and vulnerable state of the artist’s physical and emotional journey. The face mask is portrayed as an armour set meant to protect but also evolve, grow and change along with the artist. This portrait and 3D mask were created completely digitally and none of these elements exist in the real world. Additionally, the mask was modelled and crafted directly on a 3D model of the artist. It is made exclusively to fit her face features, designed to evolve, change materials, colours and textures, and morph with the artist in a natural and organic manner as if it was also a living being
feeding from her experience.

TITLE SUGGESTIONS: Organic Armour / Exoesqueleto
TITLE SUGGESTIONS FILTER: AR Organic Armour / AR Exoesqueleto


This video/projection is a collection of twenty one different portraits created over the course of two months. Each one of this portraits is a representation of the artist. herself in different forms. Through the use of digital makeup techniques and artificial intelligence, the artist is exposed to a new idea of transformation where every part of the process showcases a different fragment of her persona. All twenty one portraits were specifically curated and developed for them to merge within each other. Using frame interpolation, we let the AI generate the bit of motion and connection between every image which exposes the artist to a new state of vulnerability where the next phase of her identity remains completely uncertain. This project is a visual reflection of the artist’s constant state of change and evolution, creating so the morphing and transformative quality of the metamorphosis process.

(Note: Each portrait is given a serial number from P-0001 to P-0021 as if we were extracting a piece of the artist’s DNA.)

TITLE SUGGESTIONS: Transmutation / P-Neural Exploration

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